Commercial Law

Commercial Law

Commercial law sets out the framework conditions for commercial activities and the necessary requirements for traders. The legal basis for this can be found in trade regulations, which contain a large number of regulations that influence the entire life cycle of a company.

As commercial law lawyers, we understand the business challenges of our clients, offer practical and tailor-made solutions and comprehensive support in various commercial law matters for companies of all industries and sizes, from founding through ongoing operations to dissolution. When setting up a company, it is of central importance to observe all legal requirements. Commercial licenses, the creation of contracts and the legal structuring of the company are typical issues where commercial law expertise is required.

We help to avoid possible pitfalls and optimally design the legal framework by advising on the selection of the necessary business licenses, on registering the business and also in the event of a possible revocation of the business license. This includes clarifying the entry requirements and qualifications of the intended commercial managers as well as coordination with the commercial authorities.

In addition, we offer ongoing support and legal expertise for commercial business management, including support with regulatory investigations and the implementation of regulatory requirements, so that companies can operate successfully in a legally complex environment.

Contact Person

SSFP Law - Siemer - Siegl - Füreder & Partner Rechtsanwälte - MMag. Monika Buxbaumer

MMag. Monika Buxbaumer
+43-1 512 14 45