Areas of Expertise

Pharmaceutical Law

Pharmaceutical law deals with issues arising in the context of the development, analysis, production, and distribution of pharmaceuticals. Questions of pharmaceutical law are closely intertwined with the field of biotechnology, the reason being that today over half of all pharmaceuticals are produced by biotechnological methods.

We offer our clients comprehensive consultation on all aspects of pharmaceutical law, including legal issues of product development and the liability that comes with it.

Our law firm commonly provides the following services in this field:

  • We offer legal support in issues related to advertising.
  • We fight compensation claims against our clients resulting from the unwanted side effects of pharmaceuticals.
  • We advise on all pharmacovigilance matters including design of NIS.
  • We provide legal assistance to companies developing new pharmaceuticals.
  • We help clarify demarcation questions regarding dietary supplements.
  • We prepare the contractual basis for the development and production of pharmaceuticals (agreements for research and clinical studies, material transfer agreements, license contracts, contract manufacturing).
  • We advise on the distribution of pharmaceuticals and medicinal products.
  • We enforce industrial property rights for pharmaceuticals and medical products.
  • We advise and assist in official procedures, including proceedings before ethics committees and operating license procedures.
  • We support with regulatory inspections and audits.
  • We support in all phases of the business license process.

We regularly pass on our knowledge at seminars organized by various organizers (e.g. IIR, Forum Institute). We also regularly organize expert meetings in our office. The topics are wide-ranging, our homepage always provides up-to-date information about the currently planned events.

Get to know us even better: pdf for download (Presentation document on pharmaceutical law)

Contact Person

SSFP Law - Siemer - Siegl - Füreder & Partner Rechtsanwälte - Dr. Gerald Gries